Bismillah Rahmanir Rahim
Welcome to Charnikholahs Traditional High School site. Thanks be to Allah for making a smart web site for our school as per the instructions of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education.
The role of educational institutions is very important in building a smart Bangladesh. At this time, if educational institutions are not dependent on modern information technology and digitized, our students will not only fall behind in the competition, but will also fail to develop themselves as skilled manpower. Modernization of educational institutions is the need of the hour for good reasons.
We cannot deny the demands and requirements of the times. Hence the web site will undoubtedly play a leading role in bringing technology services to their doorsteps for our students, teachers and parents.
Information on the web site is constantly being updated. At the same time, its development process is ongoing. Any positive suggestions from the participants will be respectfully considered and we hope to adopt them in improving the quality of education.
Md. Golam Mustafa
Head Teacher
Charnikhala High School,
Ishwarganj, Mymensingh.